2025 Interior Design Capstones

Highlighted Capstones

2025 Highlighted Capstone

Natural Balance: Reimagining Urban Student Housing
Sydney Baumbach

Ending Toxic Culture and Inspiring Inclusivity of College Gyms
Annie Burks

Integrating Art Therapy and Substance Abuse Recovery
Breanna Chrysler

Anna-Leigha Clarke

Addressing Mental Health And Well-Being In The High School Learning Environment: Intuitive Design For Active Shooter Safety And Integrating Spaces For Collaboration And Interaction
Shelby Corlis

Hostile Architecture & Urban Refuge:
The Exclusion of Vulnerable Populations

Ryan Denberg

Improving Healing Spaces: User-Centered Design for Behavioral Health and Sensory Wellness
Emily Dimarco

The Co-Living Advantage:
Rethinking Urban Communities
Sydney Fox

Enhancing the Health, Safety, and Education of Boys in Juvenile Detention Centers Through Strategic Interior Design Programming
Madelyn Francis

Responding to Neurodiversity: Revolutionizing the Elementary Classroom
Autumn Howard

Human-Centered Housing: Addressing Mental Health and Homelessness Through Design
Halie Lago

Improving Accessibility for Disabled Veterans Who Are Aging In Place
Georgia Liddle

Micro-Modular Accommodations for Backpackers Visiting Metropolitan Cities
Tommy Lorio

Universal Play and Public Space: Debunking Infrastructural Voids within Urban Environments
Muzen Magzoub

Bridging the Gap Between Shelter Environments and Successful Adoptions
Rachel Mikolajczyk

Enhancing Student Workspaces at the Rochester Institute of Technology:
A User-Centered Design Approach

Sylvia Purcell

Building Community Bridges: Transforming Churches Into Engaging Community Centers 
Samiha Mushfirat Rashid

Humanizing a Care Community for Residents with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Ben Stisser

Nature of the Space: Dynamic Learning Environments for Prioritizing Student Wellness Environments
Nathan Templeman

Reweaving the Urban Fabric of Rochester’s Multilevel Pedestrian Experience
Troa Vimahi

Harvesting Change: Interior Design as a Platform for Indoor Agriculture and Education
Myles Wilson